Friday, August 15, 2014

Aquadawg Weekly Update #1 New Season

Welcome to our new Aquadawg blog I am planning on posting weekly updates for the Aquadawgs and their families. These updates will include a recap on the week, things for parents and swimmers to think about, reminders about upcoming meets and events, and any other information I find might be helpful to you.

I am so excited to be starting off another swim season. Our groups are full—we have even added a 2nd beginner group! It is a wonderful feeling to be carrying this momentum into our fall season.

As we go into this fall season I have been reading some articles about the mental benefits of swimming. I understand that swimming during the school year can be stressful to balance with young athletes. But I would encourage parents and swimmers to come as much as possible. Swimming is not only good for your body but also your mind. It releases stress and endorphins, which can help you, concentrate better. It also is a lifelong skill to learn to balance school and extra curricular activities.

I wish all of the swimmers a successful year in school as well as a successful swimming season.

This week we had a bit of a rough start with Mother Nature. Our beginner group was lucky enough to get through both practices this week but unfortunately intermediate and advanced were cancelled Tuesday night. Thank you to all the parents for coming to pick up their kids in a timely fashion after the storm hit and for being understanding. There will be no make-up for Tuesdays practice but if the weather continues to be a problem in the coming weeks we may change that.

Besides the weather, the swimmers are off to a great start. All of my groups are full of motivated swimmers who act like they want to be there. This week all of the groups worked on freestyle. The beginner group worked heavily on streamlines, blowing bubbles, rotating from side to side, and alternating side breathing every three strokes. The intermediate group worked on streamlines, rotating from side to side, alternating breathing every three strokes, and keeping their elbows high. The advanced group worked on rotating from side to side, alternating breathing every three strokes, high elbows, good body position, and learning how to incorporate good technique with speed. Next week, I look forward to working on some of the other strokes with the groups as well as dives and possibly turns with my older groups.

A reminder our first swim meet is August 23 at the Ahwatukee YMCA, warm ups start at 7:00 am. The form for this meet is linked on the Aquadawgs website homepage. The meet entry form is due to your coach by Thursday the 21st. I would like ALL of our swimmers to attend this meet if possible. This is a wonderful first meet for those who are new to swimming, as well as our more experienced swimmers. It is a great time to come out swim fast and support your teammates. It would be wonderful to see our team in full force at this first meet.

As I have briefly mentioned to some parents and swimmers, Deb and I want to start recognizing swimmers who are excelling. We are not looking for the fastest or the best swimmer, but someone who is good at taking direction, working hard, a good leader, and a good teammate. This swimmer(s) will be recognized at practice or the swim meet. We will be on the lookout for these outstanding swimmers in the coming weeks.

Any question, concerns or comments email Deb:


Coach Alisha

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